34th Annual Spring Training Conference 2025

April 15th-18th, 2025

Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center, Casper, WY

When you are trying to do more with less, it is very important to gather up all of your available resources.  That is what Spring conference is all about.   There are resources out there that you may not even be aware of.  Those resources will be here for you to learn about and reach out to.   Our jobs get more complicated by the day.  We just need to have the right tool and resources for the job.  Whether that is pump installation or climate resiliency, Wyoming Rural Water is bringing it to you.  There are a ton of new classes and new resources we are looking forward to sharing with you. 

Some of your most valuable resources are your fellow operators.  There will be lots of time for you to network and learn what is working and not working in other systems throughout the state.  There will be lots of vendors as well with new products to make your job easier.  Wander through the vendor hall and gawk at all the new things that are available. 

Gather up all the available resources and be a rock star at home!  See you in Casper.

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Spring Pre-Conference is Bigger, Better and More Important Than Ever. 

This year’s pre-conference will feature 4 super tracks.  The first track is so important we will be doing this hybrid just in case you can’t attend in person.

Track 1 - Emergency Response Planning, it is more than you think
8:00-10:00am - ERP Planning Overview, Lenny Layman, Emergency Manager, Carbon County
10:00am-12:00pm - Cyber Security Happenings, Cole Dutton, Water and Wastewater Cyber Security Specialist, USEPA, Cyber Security Branch
12:00-1:00pm - Lunch on your own
1:00-3:00pm - Infrastructure Security, Kenneth Longfritz, Protective Security Advisor, CISA and Steve Mustard, Engineering Consultant, National Automation
3:00-5:00pm - Emergency Response Planning-AWIA and small systems requirements – Charlene Kolmondy, Physical Scientist, Office of Water at US Environmental Protection

Track 2 - 8am-5pm - Operator Essentials - Brian Linton, WARWS

Track 3 - 8am-5pm - Rate Setting and Asset Management – Carl Brown, Getting Great Rates & Arnab Bhowmick, Aktivov Asset Management

Track 4 PFAS and Nitrates – Joe Dankelman and Michelle Christopher, WARWS (This class is only from 8-12. If you take this class, you can go to one of the other tracks in the afternoon and just indicate 4 hours for that class.

Board of Director Openings

Every year, the Wyoming Association of Rural Water Systems has Board of Director elections depending on the Region of the state of Wyoming for Board seats that are at the end of their term.  These are 3 year terms and there are currently no term limits.  Board members must be employees, elected officials or designated representatives of a voting member system (PWS’s that are eligible for USDA RD funding typically serving populations under 10,000).  The organization’s By Laws define voting member as Non-profit public water, wastewater, associations, districts, municipalities and (or) other types of public utilities of any size with 10,000 or fewer population, engaged in the transportation, distribution and/or sale of public utility services in the rural areas of the State of Wyoming.

Board members provide oversight of and direction to the Executive Director on policy issues/items including budgetary, program, legislative and professional direction.  Board members receive no direct compensation for serving.  Board members are reimbursed for travel expenses to attend official association meetings, can attend in person conferences and training sessions at no cost including hotel and per diem.  Board members can attend virtual training sessions at no cost.

For 2025, one region board seat is up for election.  The Southeast region includes Converse, Niobrara, Carbon, Albany, Platte, Goshen and Laramie counties. 

Those interested can contact Mark Pepper, Executive Director for more information.  A letter of interest must be received by March 31st to be included in Business Meeting materials distributed to voting member delegates.  The Annual Business Meeting does entertain floor nominations for Board seats as well.  Announcements for the Annual Business Meeting will be made during the first two weeks of April per the By Laws.

The Best Tasting Water in Wyoming

We invite every system attending conference to enter “The Best Tasting Water in Wyoming” contest. The winning system will be hosted (airfare, room, and meals, for one representative) in Washington D.C. at the National Rural Water Rally 2026 by the Wyoming Rural Water Executive Director and Wyoming’s National Director. The delegation will meet with officials from the USDA Rural Development, USEPA and will visit with Wyoming’s US Senators and Representative to discuss water issues facing systems in Wyoming. To enter, bring 1/2 gallon of your water, in glass and on ice to the registration booth when you check in.

Exhibit Hall

Set up can begin Tuesday 3-5pm. Official opening Wednesday at the 10am break. Tear down will be after the 3pm break on Thursday, or you can stay until the end, if you choose.

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